¿Cómo puedo crear una imagen AES-256 bit con Automator?


Por defecto, Automator usa el cifrado de 128 bits para la creación de imágenes. No quiero abrir la utilidad de disco todo el tiempo para crear imágenes cifradas. Por lo tanto, pensé en usar hdiutil dentro de Automator.

¿Cómo defino la ruta de la carpeta de origen en mi flujo de trabajo? ¿Cómo puedo crear una imagen con el cifrado más alto utilizando Automator?

pregunta howdytom 10.06.2018 - 23:56

2 respuestas


No necesitas Automator para hacer esto. Sólo tiene que utilizar el primo de Automators, AppleScript.

  1. Abrir el editor de secuencias de comandos en /Applications/Utilities
  2. Copia y pega el código a continuación
  3. Ir a Archivo > Exportar
  4. Formato de archivo: Aplicación
  5. Arrastre archivos y carpetas al ícono (incluso puede agregar el ícono al documento para facilitar el acceso
  6. Ingrese su contraseña
  7. Los archivos se crearán en el mismo directorio con un _EncryptedDMG.dmg agregado


on open myFiles
    set theCount to 1
    display dialog "Enter the password to encrypt" default answer "" with hidden answer
    set myPassword to the text returned of the result as text
    set d to "•"
    set td to ""
    repeat length of myPassword times
        set td to td & d
    end repeat
    display dialog "Verify the password: " & td default answer "" with hidden answer
    set theVerify to the text returned of the result
    if myPassword is theVerify then
        tell application "System Events"
            repeat with myFile in myFiles
                set myPath to the POSIX path of myFile
                set myName to the characters 1 thru ((offset of "." in (name of myFile as text)) - 1) of (name of myFile as text)
                set myContainer to (the POSIX path of (container of myFile))
                do shell script "printf  \"" & myPassword & "\" |  hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -srcfolder '" & myPath & "' '" & myContainer & "/" & myName & "'"
                do shell script "mv '" & myPath & "' ~/.Trash"
                display notification "File created at " & myContainer & "/" & myName & ".dmg. Original file deleted." with title "Encryption Complete" subtitle "File " & theCount & " of " & (length of myFiles) sound name "glass"
            end repeat
        end tell
        display dialog "Error: Passwords did not match"
    end if
end open

Si desea agregar al menú contextual, copie y pegue el siguiente código en la acción "Ejecutar Apple Script".

on run {myFiles, parameters}
    set theCount to 1
    display dialog "Enter the password to encrypt" default answer "" with hidden answer
    set myPassword to the text returned of the result as text
    set d to "•"
    set td to ""
    repeat length of myPassword times
        set td to td & d
    end repeat
    display dialog "Verify the password: " & td default answer "" with hidden answer
    set theVerify to the text returned of the result
    if myPassword is theVerify then
        tell application "System Events"
            repeat with myFile in myFiles
                set myPath to the POSIX path of myFile
                set myName to the characters 1 thru ((offset of "." in (name of myFile as text)) - 1) of (name of myFile as text)
                set myContainer to (the POSIX path of (container of myFile))
                do shell script "printf  \"" & myPassword & "\" |  hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -srcfolder '" & myPath & "' '" & myContainer & "/" & myName & "'"
                do shell script "mv '" & myPath & "' ~/.Trash"
                display notification "File created at " & myContainer & "/" & myName & ".dmg. Original file deleted." with title "Encryption Complete" subtitle "File " & theCount & " of " & (length of myFiles) sound name "glass"
            end repeat
        end tell
        display dialog "Error: Passwords did not match"
    end if
end run

Al abrir Automator, seleccione el menú contextual y luego seleccione esta configuración

Nota: Estarás contento de escuchar, macOS Mojave traerá funcionalidades similares de forma nativa. Hay una contraseña para agregar en el menú contextual que comprime y encripta el archivo de manera similar a como lo hace esta aplicación, pero aún no hay barra de progreso.

Nota [2]: Esta secuencia de comandos no funcionó si la carpeta contiene archivos bloqueados (Archivo > Información > Bloqueada).

respondido por el JBis 11.06.2018 - 05:12

Sentí que había suficientes diferencias entre mi solución y la otra respuesta publicada, como para ofrecer este script como otra respuesta a la publicación original.

Guarde este script como una aplicación en la aplicación ScriptEditor

Este script le permite al usuario soltar múltiples archivos o carpetas, directamente sobre el ícono de esta aplicación ... Y también le da al usuario la opción de guardar o eliminar los archivos o carpetas originales.

Si esta aplicación de script se ejecuta de la manera normal haciendo doble clic en la aplicación, el usuario tiene la opción de elegir archivos individuales o múltiples o de carpetas individuales o múltiples para procesar. Además, el usuario tiene la opción de eliminar o conservar los archivos originales.

Esto se ha probado utilizando la última versión de macOS High Sierra

ACTUALIZACIÓN: este código se ha editado para tratar con archivos o carpetas que están bloqueados

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

global deleteFiles, isTrue, theCount, myPassword, theName

on open theFiles
    repeat with i from 1 to count of theFiles
        set thisItem to item i of theFiles
        tell application "Finder"
            if locked of (get properties of thisItem) then
                set locked of thisItem to false
            end if
        end tell
        set isTrue to missing value
        set theCount to 0
        set theName to missing value
        set theFolder to thisItem
        tell application "Finder"
            set theContainer to container of theFolder as alias
            set theName to name of (get properties of theFolder)
        end tell
        run my setPassword
        run my keepOriginals
        set myPath to POSIX path of theFolder
        set theContainer to POSIX path of theContainer
        do shell script "printf  \"" & myPassword & "\" |  hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -srcfolder '" & ¬
            myPath & "' '" & theContainer & theName & "_Encrypted'"
        if deleteFiles = true then
            tell application "Finder" to delete theFolder
        end if
    end repeat
end open

on run
    set theChoice to display dialog ¬
        "WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHOOSE FILES OR FOLDERS?" buttons {"Cancel", "Choose Files", "Choose Folders"} ¬
        default button ¬
        "Choose Folders" cancel button ¬
        "Cancel" with title ¬
        "Make Your Choice" with icon 1 ¬
        giving up after 20
    if button returned of theChoice is "Choose Files" then
        run my chooseFiles
    else if button returned of theChoice is "Choose Folders" then
        run my chooseFolders
    else if button returned of theChoice is "" then
    end if
end run

script chooseFiles
    set theFiles to (choose file with multiple selections allowed)
    repeat with i from 1 to count of theFiles
        set thisItem to item i of theFiles
        tell application "Finder"
            if locked of (get properties of thisItem) then
                set locked of thisItem to false
            end if
        end tell
        set isTrue to missing value
        set theCount to 0
        set theName to missing value
        set theFolder to thisItem
        tell application "Finder"
            set theContainer to container of theFolder as alias
            set theName to name of (get properties of theFolder)
        end tell
        run my setPassword
        run my keepOriginals
        set myPath to POSIX path of theFolder
        set theContainer to POSIX path of theContainer
        do shell script "printf  \"" & myPassword & "\" |  hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -srcfolder '" & ¬
            myPath & "' '" & theContainer & theName & "_Encrypted'"
        if deleteFiles = true then
            tell application "Finder" to delete theFolder
        end if
    end repeat
end script

script chooseFolders
    set theFiles to (choose folder with multiple selections allowed)
    repeat with i from 1 to count of theFiles
        set thisItem to item i of theFiles
            tell application "Finder"
                set locked of every item of entire contents of thisItem to false
            end tell
        end try
        set isTrue to missing value
        set theCount to 0
        set theName to missing value
        set theFolder to thisItem
        tell application "Finder"
            set theContainer to container of theFolder as alias
            set theName to name of (get properties of theFolder)
        end tell
        run my setPassword
        run my keepOriginals
        set myPath to POSIX path of theFolder
        set theContainer to POSIX path of theContainer
        do shell script "printf  \"" & myPassword & "\" |  hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -srcfolder '" & ¬
            myPath & "' '" & theContainer & theName & "_Encrypted'"
        if deleteFiles = true then
            tell application "Finder" to delete theFolder
        end if
    end repeat
end script

script failedPassVerify
    display dialog ¬
        "You Have Unsuccessfully Verified Your Password 3 Times In A Row... Please Try Again Later" buttons {"OK"} ¬
        default button ¬
        "OK" with title ¬
        giving up after 10
    quit me
end script

script keepOriginals
    set keepOrDelete to display dialog ¬
        ("Would You Like To Delete The Original Item... " & theName & "?") buttons {"DELETE ORIGINALS", "KEEP ORIGINALS"} ¬
        default button 2 ¬
        with title ¬
        "KEEP OR DELETE ORIGINALS?" with icon 0 ¬
        giving up after 30
    if button returned of keepOrDelete is "DELETE ORIGINALS" then
        set deleteFiles to true
    else if button returned of keepOrDelete is "KEEP ORIGINALS" then
        set deleteFiles to false
    else if button returned of keepOrDelete is "" then
        set deleteFiles to false
    end if
end script

script setPassword
    repeat until isTrue = true
        set myPassword to text returned of (display dialog ¬
            ("ENTER THE PASSWORD TO ENCRYPT DISK IMAGE " & theName) default answer "" with hidden answer)
        set myPassword2 to text returned of (display dialog ¬
            "PLEASE VERIFY YOUR PASSWORD" default answer "" with hidden answer)
        set isTrue to myPassword2 = myPassword
        if isTrue = false then
            set theCount to theCount + 1
            if theCount = 3 then
                run my failedPassVerify
            end if
            display alert ¬
                "PASSWORDS DO NOT MATCH" message ¬
                "PASSWORDS DO NOT MATCH" giving up after 3
        end if
    end repeat
end script
respondido por el wch1zpink 13.06.2018 - 06:19

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