Recomendaría que pruebes este script primero.
Puede modificar el informe de salida a su gusto (no enviarlo por correo electrónico a usted mismo).
La razón por la que recomiendo esto es que, si eres como yo y tienes varias cuentas con cientos de carpetas y miles de correos electrónicos, el recuento de credenciales podría ser confuso.
Lo acabo de ejecutar en mi MBA y me tomó un tiempo, pero produjo un informe de 3 páginas de TODOS los correos electrónicos en todas las cuentas en todas las carpetas, a la vez que diferenciaba entre leído y No leído.
tell application "Mail"
set localMailboxes to every mailbox
if (count of localMailboxes) is greater than 0 then
set messageCountDisplay to "Local mailboxes (On My Mac)" & return & my getMessageCountsForMailboxes(localMailboxes)
set messageCountDisplay to ""
end if
set everyAccount to every account
repeat with eachAccount in everyAccount
set accountMailboxes to every mailbox of eachAccount
if (count of accountMailboxes) is greater than 0 then
set messageCountDisplay to messageCountDisplay & return & "Mailboxes for Account: " & name of eachAccount & return & my getMessageCountsForMailboxes(accountMailboxes)
end if
end repeat
set outputMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {content:messageCountDisplay, subject:"Message counts for all my mailboxes", visible:true}
tell outputMessage
set font to "Courier"
set size to 12
end tell
end tell
on getMessageCountsForMailboxes(theMailboxes)
-- (list of mailboxes)
-- returns string
set displayString to ""
tell application "Mail"
repeat with eachMailbox in theMailboxes
set mailboxName to name of eachMailbox
set messageCount to (count of (messages of eachMailbox)) as string
set unreadCount to unread count of eachMailbox as string
set displayString to displayString & " " & my padString(mailboxName, 40) & " " & messageCount & " (" & unreadCount & " unread)" & return
end repeat
end tell
return displayString
end getMessageCountsForMailboxes
on padString(theString, fieldLength)
-- (string, integer)
-- returns string
set stringLength to length of theString
if stringLength is greater than fieldLength then
set paddedString to (text from character 1 to character (fieldLength - 3) of theString) & "..."
else -- stringLength is less than or equal to fieldLength
set paddedString to theString
set paddingLength to fieldLength - stringLength
repeat paddingLength times
set paddedString to paddedString & space
end repeat
end if
return paddedString
end padString
Aquí hay un fragmento de cómo se ve (bloqueando mi información personal)