¿Tengo texto (3 palabras) que quiero probar generando este texto de una colección de fuentes? ¿Conoces alguna forma de automatizar esto?
¿Tengo texto (3 palabras) que quiero probar generando este texto de una colección de fuentes? ¿Conoces alguna forma de automatizar esto?
Puedes hacerlo con este script:
Create Font Sample.scpt
Modified by b.leopard on macosxhints.com to include a dialog
This script creates a font sample of the selected fonts in FontBook.app
Copyright © Apple Computer, Inc.
You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
restriction. This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to
redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
made changes. If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
code, but that you've made changes.
Modifications made at 2007-04-26 Please contact me in case of further enhancements: [email protected]
set fontSize to 16
set sampleString to "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat."
display dialog "Create font sample of all selected fonts in FontBook.app?" & ¬
return & return & "Enter sample text:" default answer sampleString ¬
buttons {"Cancel", "open FontBook", "OK"} default button 3
set {buttonReturned, sampleString} to ¬
{button returned of the result, text returned of the result}
if buttonReturned is "Cancel" then
error number -128 -- quit
else if buttonReturned is "open FontBook" then -- open FontBook.app and quit
tell application "Font Book" to activate
error number -128 -- quit
else -- sample text
if the sampleString is not "" then
set sampleString to sampleString & " – "
set fontSize to text returned of (display dialog "What font size " & ¬
"should be used in the sample?" default answer fontSize) as number
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
tell application "Font Book"
tell application "System Events"
set wasTextEditRunning to (name of processes) contains "TextEdit"
end tell
-- tell application TextEditApp to activate
set selectedFamilies to selected font families
set selectedTypefaces to selection
set numFamilies to count selectedFamilies
set numFaces to count selectedTypefaces
tell application "TextEdit"
if wasTextEditRunning then
make new document at the end of documents of it
end if
tell the front document
set paragraph 1 to "Font Samples - " & ¬
numFamilies & " families " & ¬
numFaces & " typefaces" & return & return & return
set size to 18
end tell
end tell
-- asuuming that items in selection are sorted in font family.
set paraIndex to 3
repeat while selectedTypefaces is not {}
set thisFace to first item of selectedTypefaces
set familyName to family name of thisFace
set selectedTypefaces to the rest of selectedTypefaces
set postScriptNames to {PostScript name of thisFace}
repeat while selectedTypefaces is not {}
set anotherFace to first item of selectedTypefaces
if family name of anotherFace is familyName then
set the end of postScriptNames to PostScript name of anotherFace
set selectedTypefaces to the rest of selectedTypefaces
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
tell the front document of application "TextEdit"
tell paragraph paraIndex
set font to "LucidaGrande"
set size to 12
set characters to familyName & return & return
set the color of every word to ¬
{32867, 32867, 32867} -- 50% gray
end tell
set paraIndex to paraIndex + 1
repeat with psName in postScriptNames
set success to true
tell paragraph paraIndex
set font to psName
set size to fontSize
set characters to tab & sampleString & ¬
psName & return & return
end tell
on error
set success to false
end try
if success then
set paraIndex to paraIndex + 1
end if
end repeat
set paragraph paraIndex to return & return
set paraIndex to paraIndex + 1
end tell
end repeat
tell application "TextEdit" to activate
end tell
Esto devolverá algo como esto:
Y el resultado final:
Lea otras preguntas en las etiquetas font