Eliminar partes del resultado de AppleScript


Quiero eliminar una parte de un resultado de AppleScript. La parte de mi código completo está siguiendo

list disks

Obtengo el resultado: {"Macintosh HD", "MobileBackups", "home", "net", "USB-Stick"} ¿Cómo puedo eliminar la parte "Macintosh HD", "MobileBackups", "home", "net" , para que solo se muestren los volúmenes que no están disponibles todo el tiempo disponible?

pregunta user121028 07.06.2015 - 13:33

2 respuestas


Prueba algo como esto:

set mydisks to list disks
set newdisks to {} as list
repeat with currentdisk in mydisks
    if ((currentdisk as string) is not equal to "net") and ((currentdisk as string) is not equal to "home") and ((currentdisk as string) is not equal to "Macintosh HD") and ((currentdisk as string) is not equal to "MobileBackups") then
        set newdisks to newdisks & currentdisk
    end if
end repeat

Tendrás tu lista deseada en newdisks .

respondido por el jherran 07.06.2015 - 14:44
tell application "Finder" to set disklist to every disk whose ejectable is true or local volume is false and name is not "home" and name is not "net"
set namelist to {}
repeat with diskitem in disklist
    set end of namelist to name of diskitem
end repeat
return namelist
respondido por el David Anderson 07.06.2015 - 15:00

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