Tengo el siguiente script de manzana bajo Lion, pero devuelve este error Error: -10000. Mail got an error: AppleEvent handler failed.
bajo Yosemite.
tell application "Mail"
set theViewer to front message viewer
set theMsg to messages of theViewer
set msgList to {}
repeat with thisMsg in theMsg
if read status of thisMsg is false and flagged status of thisMsg is false then
set the end of msgList to thisMsg
end if
end repeat
if msgList is {} then
display dialog "There are no read messages in this mailbox."
tell theViewer to set properties to {visible messages:msgList}
end if
end tell
on error the errMsg number the errNmb
if the errNmb is not -128 then
set the errTxt to "Error: " & the errNmb & ". " & the errMsg
display dialog the errTxt buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
error number -128
end if
end try
Cualquier ayuda sería apreciada.