La vista previa se bloquea cuando intento cambiar un PDF


La aplicación Preview se cuelga cada vez que intento editar un PDF / agregar texto en los campos.

Intento reparar los permisos / reinicio pero no cambia el comportamiento.

Aquí están los mensajes de la consola:

07/09/2015 10:32:30,417 Preview[1163]: -filterInputEvent: is deprecated and will be going away soon.
07/09/2015 10:32:33,320 Preview[1163]: *** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: NSFont)
07/09/2015 10:32:33,322 Preview[1163]: (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95df203c __exceptionPreprocess + 172
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8786576e objc_exception_throw + 43
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95cd8c66 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 1174
    3   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f308a84 +[AKTextAnnotationAttributeHelper typingAttributes:byApplyingScaleFactor:] + 304
    4   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f3bee8a -[AKTextEditorController _beginEditingAnnotation:withPageController:selectAllText:] + 1163
    5   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f3bf95e -[AKTextEditorController _performBlockOnMainThread:] + 81
    6   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f3be7fc -[AKTextEditorController beginEditingAnnotation:withPageController:selectAllText:] + 167
    7   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f3556b6 -[AKMainEventHandler handleDoubleDownEvent:withOptionalTouches:] + 324
    8   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f354988 -[AKMainEventHandler handleDownEvent:withOptionalTouches:] + 844
    9   AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f3540e0 -[AKMainEventHandler mainHandleEvent:withOptionalTouches:] + 1562
    10  AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f32f838 -[AKMainEventHandler_Mac mainHandleEvent:withOptionalTouches:] + 336
    11  AnnotationKit                       0x000000010f32f60d __45-[AKMainEventHandler_Mac initWithController:]_block_invoke + 59
    12  AppKit                              0x00007fff8ab62cc7 _NSSendEventToObservers + 335
    13  AppKit                              0x00007fff8ab60882 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 56
    14  Preview                             0x000000010f094821 Preview + 10273
    15  AppKit                              0x00007fff8aa8ab68 -[NSApplication run] + 711
    16  AppKit                              0x00007fff8aa07244 NSApplicationMain + 1832
    17  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff9602a5c9 start + 1
07/09/2015 10:32:42,138 Preview[1163]: Page bounds {{0, 0}, {400, 400}}
07/09/2015 10:32:42,164 Preview[1163]: -[AKFormFeatureDetector dealloc]

Parece que está relacionado con la fuente, pero no sé cómo solucionarlo. ¿Cómo puedo hacer eso?

pregunta Thomas Ayoub 07.09.2015 - 10:42

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