Guarde el siguiente script como una aplicación. Copie y pegue en el Editor de secuencias de comandos (no en el automatizador):
on open myItems
set ds to {"file1", "file2", "file3"} # Enter identifiyers
set scriptlocation to {"", "", "} # Enter scripts location as POSIX path, respectivly
repeat with myItem in myItems
tell application "Finder"
set theName to the name of (myItems as alias)
end tell
set rptvly to getIndex of theName of ds
do shell script "open " & the quoted form of rptvly
end repeat
end open
to getIndex of i from l
repeat with n from 1 to count l
if (i as string) contains ((l's item n) as string) then return n
end repeat
end getIndex
Comente cualquier error, ya que estoy en Mojave beta y no puedo ejecutar sccripts