He estado mirando hacia arriba durante los últimos dos días y encontré algunas manzanas que decían cambiar las líneas de asunto. Pero ninguno de ellos parece ser capaz de cambiar / establecer la línea de asunto. ¿Qué piensan ustedes que el error está aquí?
tell application "Mail"
set theSubjectList to {}
set themessages to selection as list
repeat with msg in themessages
set thisSubject to (subject of msg as string)
if thisSubject is not in theSubjectList then
set theSubjectList to theSubjectList & {thisSubject}
end if
end repeat
set theNewSubject to ¬
(choose from list theSubjectList with prompt ¬
"Choose the subject of the merged thread…") as string
if theNewSubject is in theSubjectList then
repeat with msg in themessages
set subject of msg to (theNewSubject)
end repeat
display dialog "Action cancelled"
end if
end tell
Recibo el siguiente error
error "Mail got an error: Can’t set subject of message to \"CHANGED SUBJECT LINE\"." number -10006 from subject of message