RMBP no se puede apagar después de actualizar a macOS 10.12 Sierra (16A323)


Después de actualizar a macOS 10.12, no se puede cerrar (se intentó varias veces). Encuentro el siguiente archivo de registro. Hacer

Sep 23 10:01:12 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.WebKit.Databases.1FC429A3-756B-4FE6-8B10-73B662C26026[639]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Sep 23 10:01:12 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.WebKit.Networking.5935D713-FD85-48A7-8A75-7AC51E156FAA[599]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: increaseBackoffTimer Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 458 Level: info :: Probe interval changed from 85 sec to 128 sec.
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 781 Level: debug :: Couldn't get best default route
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter lo0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter gif0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter stf0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter en0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter en1, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter en2, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter bridge0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter p2p0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter awdl0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 804 Level: debug :: adapter utun0, operStatus=1, wifi=no
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: CFGUTIL Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: ConfigData.cpp Line: 181 Level: warn :: ISEPostureCFG.xml not found, using defaults
Sep 23 10:01:18 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 23 10:01:18 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: collectTargets Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: SwiftHttpRunner.cpp Line: 980 Level: debug :: Active VPN found and Probe targets: enroll.cisco.com  - Default route , #targets=2
Sep 23 10:01:32 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 syslogd[48]: ASL Sender Statistics
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 Google Chrome[562]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 Google Chrome[562]: objc[562]: __weak variable at 0x610001648b90 holds 0x2121212121212121 instead of 0x610000e20a00. This is probably incorrect use of objc_storeWeak() and objc_loadWeak(). Break on objc_weak_error to debug.
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 diagnosticd[269]: System mode client stopped - Console (496) - clearing mode: 0x8, still active: 0x0
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 Finder[414]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 loginwindow[119]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent[397]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.wifi.WiFiAgent[403]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.noticeboard.agent[400]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.OSDUIHelper[586]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.cloudphotosd[338]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.Siri.agent[389]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.ViewBridgeAuxiliary[465]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.imklaunchagent[347]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.FolderActionsDispatcher[379]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.coreservices.uiagent[565]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000002.AppleSpell[537]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.lateragent[507]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.adobe.acc.AdobeDesktopService.1940.F6187A73-A3B6-4AB8-BE00-DA9FCA082994[480]): Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.sogou.inputmethod.sogou.2028[350]): Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.sogou.SogouServices[433]): Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15 sent by loginwindow[119]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acwebsecagent[276]: UserNotificationProc - gCurrentConsoleUser NULL
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: MacConsoleUserCallback Thread Id: 0xB089C000 File: main.cpp Line: 560 Level: warn :: login user - User zero logged out. Quit application
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acise[453]: Function: hs_log_free Thread Id: 0xB089C000 File: hs_log.c Line: 436 Level: info :: Logging system shutdown
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseposture[530]: Function: ipc_con_cb Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: posture_ipc.cpp Line: 123 Level: debug :: posture IPC disconnected (0, -6)
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseposture[530]: Function: posture_abort Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: posture_ipc.cpp Line: 348 Level: info :: goodbye (pid: 530)
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseposture[530]: Function: cleanup Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: BaseRole.cpp Line: 31 Level: debug :: end aciseposture
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseposture[530]: Function: hs_log_free Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: hs_log.c Line: 436 Level: info :: Logging system shutdown
Sep 23 10:01:44 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acvpnagent[54]: Function: internalReadSocket File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/UdpTcpTransports_unix.cpp Line: 504 Invoked Function: ::read Return Code: -31588336 (0xFE1E0010) Description: SOCKETTRANSPORT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_SHUTDOWN:The socket was shutdown by the operating system or a remote peer. 
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acvpnagent[54]: Function: callbackHandler File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/SocketTransport.cpp Line: 1751 Invoked Function: CSocketTransport::internalReadSocket Return Code: -31588336 (0xFE1E0010) Description: SOCKETTRANSPORT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_SHUTDOWN:The socket was shutdown by the operating system or a remote peer. 
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acvpnagent[54]: Function: OnSocketReadComplete File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/IPCTransport.cpp Line: 910 Invoked Function: CSocketTransport::readSocket Return Code: -31588336 (0xFE1E0010) Description: SOCKETTRANSPORT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_SHUTDOWN:The socket was shutdown by the operating system or a remote peer. 
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 acvpnagent[54]: Function: OnIpcMessageReceived File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/IPCDepot.cpp Line: 1070 Invoked Function: CIpcTransport::OnSocketReadComplete Return Code: -31588336 (0xFE1E0010) Description: SOCKETTRANSPORT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_SHUTDOWN:The socket was shutdown by the operating system or a remote peer. 
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseagentd[103]: Function: ipc_con_cb Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: agent_ipc.cpp Line: 180 Level: warn :: agent IPC disconnected (0, -6)
Sep 23 10:01:44 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseagentd[103]: Function: handle_ipc_con_error Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: agent_ipc.cpp Line: 60 Level: debug :: MSG_PP_IPC_DISCONNECTED, 
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseagentd[103]: Function: handleMessage Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: mod_agent.cpp Line: 79 Level: debug :: agent: received msg [type=185270276][size=0]
Sep 23 10:01:44 wirelessprv-10-194-240-76 aciseagentd[103]: Function: processMessage Thread Id: 0xA50C11C0 File: VlanMonitor.cpp Line: 775 Level: debug :: ISE Posture stopped. VLAN detection is disabled.
pregunta billlipeng 23.09.2016 - 17:18

2 respuestas


Aunque no sé exactamente cómo funcionó esto. Pero funciona. Por favor revisa el siguiente enlace.

Reinstale MySQL: enlace

Restablecer SMC enlace

Restablecer NVRAM support.apple.com/en-us/HT204063

respondido por el billlipeng 29.09.2016 - 22:41

Si no puede cerrar sesión (Shift - Comando - Q), es posible que deba forzar el cierre de las aplicaciones (también en el menú Apple).

Si el sistema está bloqueado, puedes esperar o mantener presionado el botón de encendido para forzar la Mac.

En ese momento, deberá probar cosas como el inicio seguro para aislar el sistema operativo central de terceros y las funciones avanzadas que están habilitadas durante un inicio normal.

respondido por el bmike 25.09.2016 - 00:18

Lea otras preguntas en las etiquetas